When I met the late Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina, I told him I was going to be a preacher and he said, “That’s why I am doing my job in the Senate so that the preacher can do his job on the streets.” What a clear picture of how we are only one fight away from losing our freedom to share the Gospel. The best way to ensure our freedom is to do our job on the streets.
Recently, my wife and I watched Monumental on Amazon Prime. If you haven’t watched this amazing film that features Kirk Cameron, I highly recommend it. This film chronicles the history of the Pilgrims and why they came to America in the first place.
The Pilgrims came to a new land to have religious freedom and were willing to die, and many of them did die, to make it happen. Did you know that during the winter while the shelters were being built at Plymouth Rock, many of the women died on the Mayflower with the prayer for religious freedom as they huddled around their children to keep them warm? Many of those children lived and were instrumental in building the foundation of religious freedom in this country.
We all must be willing to make the same sacrifice for our children to continue to have religious freedom. You don’t have to hold your child to keep them warm through the night, but you do need to preach your heart out every Sunday and mobilize your army to be a beacon of freedom that God intended your church to be.
I have been given the task to motivate evangelism and invitation in your church. I feel this responsibility to the core of my being and I am charging you the task of never giving up and never giving in to apathy. You know TrueLife.org works and I ask humbly for you to put the weight of your evangelistic efforts squarely upon us so we can ensure freedom will continue to ring all across this land.
Pastors all over the country have told me that TrueLife.org is working, their churches are growing and their light is shining brighter in their community. It doesn’t matter the size of the church or the community that they are in. Some of these churches are actually doing a terrible job for their first year, but after we reviewed the ingredient steps with the accountability and included the prayer at the end of the service, it made all the difference. Here is what you say to have your people pray over their cards:
‘Brothers and sisters, you have just heard the sermon today and the Gospel. In front of you, there are 5 invitation cards rubber banded together that represent 5 people who have not been able to have that enormous blessing. Please, take them in your hand (you have them in your hand too), and let's take a moment and pray quietly in your heart that God will give you the right people to hand them to this week.’ Then you pray silently for 10 seconds, and close in corporate prayer.”
Now is the time to double down on your efforts. Now is the time to envision where your church will be and where our country will be if you do not.
May God bless your church with beautiful feet!
Jesse F. Connors, M.Div.
Founder and President of TrueLife.org